
Sunday Morning Programs (10:30 am)

The purpose of the Treehouse is to introduce children to Jesus and help them to grow in  their relationships with Christ.  We believe in the sincerity of faith in children and we take their spirituality seriously.  We desire to disciple them so they can live transformed lives and to equip them to share the gospel with the world around them.  We are rooted in Christ, growing in faith!

Treehouse Nursery

On Sunday morning our nursery is divided into 2 groups: Infants (birth - walking) & Toddlers (walking - 24 months).

We strive to provide a safe, nurturing place for your little ones so that you can worship and connect with God in the Main Service and Growth Group Hour. We make this possible with our paging system and secure check-in so that you can take part in our services without worry.

TruBlessings: 2- & 3-year-olds

TruBlessings is based on three foundational truths: God made me, God loves me, and God is with me.  Through different activities, stories, playtime, songs and crafts, we create spaces for the Holy Spirit to meet with our children.

TruWonder: Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade

Our TruWonder curriculum piques the natural curiosity of preschool and kindergarten-age children and invites them to experience the wonder of who God is. We provide many different environments for kids to discover and encounter God through storytelling, worship, art, dance, prayer and play!

TruStory: 2nd - 5th Grade

TruStory reveals God’s incredible plan to elementary-age children and invites them to be a part of it! Children are encouraged and supported by leaders to explore and discover what being part of a Faith Community means for them. Through games, art, prayer, music, scripture memorization, and rich storytelling, children are given opportunities to encounter God's word and the Holy Spirit in ways that are fresh and foundational for their faith.

Kids Choir

Sunday Mornings - 9:30 AM - K thru 5th Grade